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Different color palette

Graphic Design: The Right Colours Usher in the Right Feelings

There are several ways a graphic designer can utilise colour on a website or graphic design to elicit specific feelings. The right set of colours in a design can make images more vivid and unforgettable. It can evoke and inspire various emotions. Using Colour for Impact The colours yellow, orange, and red are known as

VOIP icons and telephone

How VOIP Phone Service Can Help Businesses and Homeowners

Over the years, phone service has evolved into various forms. There were phones with rotary dials and then ones with keypads appeared in the market. A few years later, companies came up with handheld phones, which revolutionized the way we communicate with each other. These handheld phones also evolved into what we now have. Modern

cloud database

The Cloud: Your One-stop Business Tech Solution

Technology continuously provides society with a myriad of innovative solutions for both personal and corporate undertakings. Indeed, numerous digital tools help businesses in many aspects — from customer service to project implementation. One particular tech solution for improving an enterprise’s operations is cloud technology. Cloud technology allows off-site access to digital information assets and real-time

Friends planning together

Set Yourself Free: 4 Reasons for Starting Your Own Business

Starting your own business can be stressful. There will be a lot of things that you should always take into account, and this is particularly challenging if you are doing it for the first time. There may be a time when you feel like your plan will fail — and it is okay to fail.

Robotic hand, accessing on laptop, the virtual world of information

An Alternate World: Famous ARGs From the Past 20 Years

Alternate Reality Games or ARGs are modern games that began in earnest in the 90s. Voice mails, concealed items, information on statue and location plaques, and other clues concealed in the real world are used to solve fictional problems and unlock hidden content. They can be standalone games, tied into a video game, or used to

GPS Satellite

Issues Associated with Live Sky GPS Testing

Every GPS device’s developer knows the essence of testing his/her craft before its release into the market. This is the only solution to guarantee that the product you are introducing to your target market is of high quality. If you get your testing right, then you will become the go-to option in your field. Getting

Social media websites on the browser

Users vs. Data: The Future of Social Media

Social media usage has exploded in the past decade and with it came assorted benefits and risks. From a freedom wall where users shared drunk photos of them snuggling with random cats, it has rapidly become gentrified into a platform where data, not the user, has become the primary focus. The future of social media

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