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person on a vacation

How to Take a Break After Years of Working Hard

When you first start out in the workforce, it can be challenging to find time for relaxation. You might feel like you need to prove yourself by working hard all the time and taking on as many projects as possible. But this attitude will eventually backfire; after years of long hours, your performance will suffer,

millennials at the office

How Millennials Changed Workplace Dynamics

Millennials comprise around one-third of the labor force, making them the largest generation currently working. Due to this, they have a significant effect on workplace dynamics. They have a lot of experiences that affect different aspects of the workplace. These experiences also have made the generation purpose-driven and optimistic despite the challenges they faced along the

hotel concierge

What Hospitality Business Suits Your Passion and Skills

When thinking of a business idea to pursue, there are some factors you need to consider. Passion is one, and you already know that. On the other hand, you also need to consider your skills. If you are leaning towards the hospitality industry for some reason, here are some suggestions you can try according to

woman writing using a sharpie on her packages

Your Home Business: Setting Up a Shop

Many employees have quit their jobs. Data from the U.S. Department of Labor showed that four million employees resigned in April 2021 alone. This is consistent with the findings of a survey released by FlexJobs in April, where 58 percent of respondents stated that they would quit if they were required to return to on-site

small business owner

Eight Practical Ways to Save Money for Your Small Business

Every entrepreneur aspires to grow and expand their small business. To do so, they must first maintain the financial health of their business, and on top of this is to ensure consistent cash flow. Most importantly, they must see to it that their enterprises earn more than they spend. It’s good that there are a handful of ways

cash flow

Cash Flow Forecasting: What it is and How it Can Benefit Your Business

Most small business owners hire an accountant to manage their bookkeeping and other finance requirements. It’s a great way to delegate key tasks and focus on business activities that will bring cash in. What most forget, however, is forecasting. And it’s not just any type of forecasting. It’s cash flow forecasting that can, in fact,

Learning Management Systems and Distance Learning

Teachers and students from across the globe are now treading uncharted territory, education-wise, as the whole world struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic. Before most of the school sectors were even prepared to do so, schools have had to transition student management and instruction from in-person to distance and/or blended learning formats.   Even before the

customer loyalty

Establishing Loyalty Among Consumers

Customer loyalty means a customer wants to continuously purchase products or engage in services from a specific brand. It builds a lasting connection with clients; having a loyal base of clients ensures a consistent flow of revenue for a business. Moreover, loyal customers are likely to encourage other people to purchase, use or avail themselves

Marketing Services to Outsource for Better Client Conversion

Businesses should always prioritize marketing. It is the critical function that ensures companies can get more customers or clients for higher profit. As a result, marketing serves as the lifeblood which supplies the business with life. That said, it wouldn’t be surprising if a company struggles because of poor marketing performance. Marketing is a volatile

business process

Guarding Your Place in the Market by Actively Optimizing Your Business Processes

In a fast-paced world, you have to move quickly, or else you’ll lose many opportunities. Different industries may have slowed down following the virus outbreak. Still, the business world is swiftly getting back to its feet to make up for months of economic standstill and almost zero revenue. To catch the waves rocking the business

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