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sad woman

Domestic Abuse: Pandemic Within a Pandemic

The pandemic has produced other unexpected social effects. One of these is the rising numbers of domestic abuse against children, women, and LGBTQ individuals. In China, reports of domestic abuse rose three times compared to the cases reported in 2019. In other parts of the world, reported instances went down, but many speculate that stay-at-home

Private Investigation

An Eye on Private Investigation

What is a process server in Staten Island, New York? A process server’s main responsibility is to send court documents, such as writs, summons, and warrants, to the proper recipients. They are all on time pressure, so they need to be delivered on time. When times get challenging and the people involved are hard to find, they

lawyer talking to the accused

The Legal Rights of an Accused

Getting entangled with the law is a complicated and often stressful experience. It’s often something that one cannot face alone. That’s why you need the help of an attorney. Having a lawyer with you in instances when you are accused of a crime can take some of the heavy burdens off your shoulders. Everyone has

Common Lawsuits That You Can File Against an Employer

Common Lawsuits That You Can File Against an Employer

If you are an employee and you think your rights have been violated by your employer, then you should be ready to fight. The situation may be intentional or unintentional, but the results are the same: you might feel that you have been mistreated. Some workers may feel that a lawsuit is the best option

Divorce decree petition contract

Why the Philippines Is Struggling to Legalize Divorce

If your marriage is in ruins and you want out, you can easily find a divorce attorney in Long Island to legally represent and aid you through the process, and the same goes for pretty much any city in the world — except in the Vatican and the Philippines. Vatican City is a tiny Christian city-state

people on car accident talking to their phones

Six Common Causes of Car Crashes

According to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in Australia, fatalities from road accidents have decreased by 14.7% in the past decade. That’s great news, especially since there are now more vehicles on the road than ever before. Unfortunately, this data doesn’t mean that Australian roads are 100% safe. Hundreds of road accidents happen

Lawyer showing the husband where to sign on the paper

Common Problem Areas in Divorce Settlements

Divorce is never easy. It’s the conscious separation of two people who made a commitment to stay together, which is a very difficult thing to deal with on a personal level. However, since marriage is both a personal and a legal contract, there are often other things to be concerned about once separation occurs. That

man arrested

Keep Cool and Remember These Tips if You Got Arrested

Though it is possible to go through life without being arrested for any charge, the possibility of getting accused of something is always there. It can be a shocking experience to have the police come for you, but you should not panic. If you keep your cool and follow the tips below, you should come

Bail Bonds sign on window

How Bail Bond Companies Work

Are you searching for Raleigh bail bonds? Raleigh, NC, is home to a number of bail bond companies that finding one will not be difficult. The challenge may come from finding the right company that suits your needs. Bail bond companies are very reliable when no other source of fund for posting bail is available.

divorcing couple with child

Why Parents Might Lose Custody of Their Child

Losing custody of your precious child is something that any parent doesn’t want to experience, ever. But courts have a duty to prioritize a child’s best interests above anything else, and in some instances, this means taking away a parent’s custody rights. Losing custody could be either permanent or temporary depending on why the parent lost

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