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Three Things to Do to Raise a Well-rounded Child

No one ever said that parenting is easy. In the beginning, you have to deal with tiring days and sleepless nights. As they grow older, it only becomes more complicated. You have to make sure that they’re going to a good school and that they’re doing their homework.

But it’s important to remember that grades are not everything. You should also help your child learn skills and life lessons that would make them a good person. Here’s how:

Try Music

Enroll your kid in piano lessons or music camp. You might find out that your child has a talent in singing or playing an instrument. The most successful artists, from Mozart to Stevie Wonder, started out young. But even if your child doesn’t want a musical career, there are several benefits to studying music.

A study by the University of Zurich found that learning how to play an instrument can increase a person’s IQ. Learning to play the piano, in particular, helped kids be more disciplined and attentive. It’s a great way to get your child to learn a new skill and perform better in school.

If your kid is having a hard time making friends, music can be a helpful medium. They can join the school choir or band where they can interact with kids at the same age. It will be easier to socialize because they already have music to bond over. They can also learn how to work together as a team and develop social skills.

Music also has mental health benefits. If your child is struggling to adjust after moving to a new home or due to family issues, it can help them process their emotions. According to the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, music can help kids relieve stress and anxiety.

Teacher talking to her student

Consider Sports

If music doesn’t appeal to them, sports are worth a try. Decades before, children spent more time playing active games indoors and outdoors. Because of handy tablets and entertaining TV shows, kids are less active now. Due to this inactivity, children are less physically fit compared to previous generations. According to a study of kids from around the world, children’s aerobic fitness has declined since the 1970s.

To help your kid live healthier and be more active, it’s important to follow expert advice. The CDC says children aged 6 to 17 years old should be doing at least 1 hour of physical activity every day. It will strengthen their bones, benefit their mental health, and even help them at school. But you shouldn’t push your child to just any sport. Make sure that it’s something they can handle and is appropriate for their age and size. Mayo Clinic has a list of ideal activities for every age range.

Like music, sports are also a great way for kids to develop social skills. They can learn the value of teamwork and cooperation. It’s also a great opportunity to form friends. Sports can also teach them how to deal with different emotions. At an early age, they can develop self-esteem, handle losses, and learn how to be less selfish.

Assign Responsibilities

Two of the most important things a child should learn are accountability and responsibility. It will help them as they grow older. In high school, they could be a good student leader which can help them get into a good university. When they start working, they would have better chances of getting promoted. Most of all, those two traits will a kid be a good person. When a person understands the importance of accountability, they know that they have to do the right thing, whether someone is looking or not.

The great thing is that you can teach kids these traits at home. You can start by assigning them responsibilities. For example, set a rule that they’re responsible for keeping their room clean and tidy. Consider your kid’s age and free time when giving them chores. Otherwise, they could get overwhelmed and perform badly in school.

You should also be careful about giving out rewards and punishments. They can have inadvertent effects. Psychotherapist Heather Turgeon argues that parents should motivate and help kids instead. It can help children understand the consequence of their actions without sending the wrong message. Put yourself in your kid’s shoes and prioritize proper communication.

While raising a child may not be an easy task, it is incredibly fulfilling. You’ll inevitably experience hardships and make mistakes. But along with it, you’ll also enjoy great moments and make beautiful memories. The important thing is that you do your best and prioritize the wellness of your kid.

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