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Going Phishing: Keeping Yourself Safe from Email Scams

We can all say that digital technology has progressed a lot during these past years. For one, we now have developed apps that provide additional functions for smartphones. Workplaces are also now more connected with the presence of online collaboration websites. But even with all this development, we can still get fooled by a simple phishing email. Keep yourself safe with these pointers.

Avail of Additional Email Protection

Sometimes, you don’t have the time to be bothered to filter emails, and occasionally, built-in protection can still fail. In this case, you would want to purchase additional services for a more thorough, automated inspection. Packages such as Office 365 protection will not only check for and recognize spam but also get rid of malware and other dangers for you.

Pause Before Acting

Many phishing emails have messages that are meant to alarm the reader and move them to take action at once. But that’s how people get caught in these scams, even in this day and age. After you feel the initial shock, you should then stop yourself from doing anything rash. Take the time to approach it calmly and do some more looking. Even a few seconds of delay can save your privacy, finances, and your computer from being compromised by a simple email.

Check Addresses

It can be tempting to see emails as they are, but remember that it doesn’t take much to inspect a little more to scratch beyond the surface. Before you think of clicking, try hovering the cursor over any links first. If it’s legit, you should see the URL of whatever entity they say they are. They have no use for other ones, so seeing anything different is already a red flag. That is the same as the sender’s email address. They should be connected with the official URL of the entity’s website.

guy readingInspect the Wording

When the company is one that you haven’t done business with, it can still be easy to dismiss it. Not so much when it’s supposedly from a business that you have an account with. But thankfully, you can tell by the way they address you and the wording of the body. Remember that the legit companies have your name on record, and have templates to include it with their messages to you. Be wary when they use impersonal forms of address. Also, no offense, but many phishing emails have awful grammar or, at least, don’t sound very business-like.

Contact When in Doubt

Phishing emails have indeed leveled up from the days of dial-up internet. Sometimes, it’s to the point when you can’t tell the fake from the real thing. If you’re still in doubt as to whether it’s legit or not, you may contact the official customer service email of the company that it supposedly represents. Don’t reply to the email that’s under investigation, but include a screenshot of it for their reference.

When it comes to phishing emails, aside from having automated protection, it will also help to have a good head on your shoulders. Keep your cool, and take the time to check before you do any clicking. And when in doubt, don’t be afraid to contact the legit companies.

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