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4 Ways to Transform Office Communication

Communication plays a vital role in the growth and success of any business. From fostering relationships, explaining project objectives, to mediating conflicts, communication is often taken for granted by the people who benefit from them the most. We don’t think about it when things are working, but once communications break down, only then will we fully appreciate its importance in furthering organizational goals.

The rise of telecommuting has forever changed the way employees work and communicate. Confusion is already commonplace in physical offices, and with more and more people working from their homes, keeping teams engaged and informed has never been more tricky. Thankfully, resources such as IP-PBX providers have improved the quality of communication within teams.

A business cannot grow if its employees can’t communicate effectively. Here are a few tips that will help improve workplace productivity and communication.

1. Aim to sound authentic

It goes without saying that everyone should keep things professional at work, but that doesn’t mean you have to sound boring and corporate. Workplace communications can sometimes feel robotic and distant, which only muddles the message. Just speak as you normally do and get straight to the point.

Keeping communications informal but professional allows everyone to express themselves freely. It also fosters an environment of comfort so everyone can share their perspectives without constraints. And authenticity isn’t just limited to how you sound. By emphasizing candor and sincerity in the workplace, you eliminate many of the artificial restraints that hinder open and honest communication.

2. Invest in tools

Communication is often difficult when teams have to work from different locations. If it’s not feasible to gather everyone in a single location, you need to invest in the right tools to ensure seamless communication wherever they might be. Tools such as Webex, Slack, and Zoom are often used to keep everyone in the loop.

Green office3. Foster a culture of openness

All the tools in the world won’t help if no one is willing to speak openly. To ensure that ideas and information flow freely, you need to allow yourself and your teammates to share ideas and talk about difficult topics. If everyone feels they can speak their mind, workplace issues can be dealt with immediately.

4. Schedule one-on-one meetings

The constant flow of information is essential to the success of any project. But don’t limit workplace communication to updates and banter. You can also use it to check up on the state and performance of your team.

Make it a point to schedule one-on-one meetings on a regular basis to keep yourself up to date with your employees’ performance, health, and workload. Take this opportunity to ask for feedback and what they need to finish their tasks. Regular updates will help build a relationship with your team members and keep them engaged.

Effective communication is essential to maintaining a good work environment. Tools and resources have transformed the way we communicate in the workplace, however, this renewed focus on digital solutions comes at the expense of face-to-face communication. Never forget the human element in communication and take steps to foster a culture of openness and transparency in the workplace.

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