man smiling while using his phone

Power your Business by Localising your App

There has been an explosion in the smartphone industry in the last 12 years, and there are no signs of it slowing down. We are about to have faster and more sophisticated handsets than any other time in history. Moreover, in the last five or six years, we have seen an upsurge in the mobile app industry, thanks to sophisticated technologies. This was an unprecedented phenomenon, and it has allowed companies to capture diverse markets and widen their scope.

However, the mobile app market is now highly saturated. With about 3.9 million apps on Google and Apple Store, it is becoming increasingly challenging to stand out. Plus, competition is increasing as more businesses develop their own apps. Creating an app is no longer enough, and one has to do more to beat the competition. One approach that has caught the eye of many is localisation.

The Localisation Process

As mobile app developers Australia will tell you, app localisation is customising your app so it appeals to different users. Remember that people are from disparate regions, use different languages and have varying preferences.

Most mobile applications are in English, while only 5% of the world’s population are native speakers. Therefore, the first step when localising an app is to translate your app to different languages. Avoid Google Translate and hire translators instead. Translators will be expensive to hire, but they can expedite the process and ensure your app’s content speaks to the intended audience. Moreover, they understand the culture and can help you modify your content to avoid potential problems owing to cultural differences. Some popular languages you should consider translating to are Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese and Indonesian.

Other than language, you have to customise your app’s text to suit different locales. Again, consider the most common languages used on the internet.

Finally, you should localise your app store listing. This is something most people forget, and that’s why you are better off hiring mobile app developers in the area you wish to target. Localise the app store content, including the text, keywords, and images.

Why you Should Localise Your App

millenials seated in a circle while using mobile phone

Now that you know what localisation is, let’s get into some of the benefits. First, you can expect rapid market expansion. Only 26.3% of online transactions are in English, which means, by localising your app, you will be catering to a broader demographic. Moreover, it is the easiest way to educate people about your product.

Localisation also helps you beat the competition. More than 70% of users prefer apps and websites that are in their native language. Furthermore, studies show that users trust a brand more when the language is native to them. By and large, you beat your competitors by tailoring your app to consumers.

Finally, you break the cultural barriers that hinder business expansion. By creating localised apps, you can break anything from weather conditions to age, colour, and even design preferences. This would result in business growth and diversifying your customer profile.

Expanding your business through apps is a great way to scale the profit ladder. Localisation and translation are a requisite when venturing into new markets. A keen sense of local culture and preferences is crucial and can make or break your international efforts.