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Different Ways Businesses Can Benefit from Multi-cloud Infrastructure

Nowadays, multi-cloud strategies are gaining fame within different industries. Businesses are now making changes to adopt strategies that utilize public, hybrid, and private cloud services. These cloud services are now considered a smart investment as businesses can get multiple benefits through their virtual infrastructure and flexible performance. Studies show that businesses that shift to cloud-based strategies have a higher success rate than companies with on-premise infrastructures.

Having a multi-cloud approach will include taking on two or more cloud providers and allocating workloads facilitated by data center power distribution units to efficiently keep the business alive, especially since the coronavirus pandemic has pushed companies to let their employees work remotely and there is more digital traffic. Not only that, but multi-cloud infrastructures contain even more benefits. Here are some of them.


Many enterprises have experienced multiple cases of vendor lock-ins. This usually happens whenever a business dives into a relationship with cloud service providers right away without thoroughly evaluating and understanding the rules involved. Most enterprises realize too late that specific terms and conditions that are laid out can no longer be changed. That being the case, it is crucial to meticulously assess the expectations and possible risks that come with the relationship.

Remember that a strong negotiating position can be beneficial when it comes to switching from different providers. Therefore, companies will be able to make sure that their partners are fulfilling their end of the bargain, and they can avoid more instances of vendor lock-ins.


Multi-cloud operations can assist a lot of traditional companies that still encounter difficulties with their on-premise structures, hardware suppliers, and IT systems. Because of this, companies prefer to find and make use of service providers that are proficient enough to assist them in embracing multi-cloud infrastructures. This can ultimately promote agility and workload mobility.

Moreover, about 50% of corporate data is being stored in the cloud in 2020. Multi-cloud infrastructures can serve as the perfect storage space to preserve information and data with automation and real-time synchronization. Another advantage is the ability to scale storage depending on their current demand. Individual data segments and workloads have various distinct needs that can be catered by multi-cloud strategies. Multi-cloud providers allow enterprises to invest in space and security while eradicating their limitations on productivity.

Competitive pricing

A majority of the competitive market provides more favorable pricing for various resource capacities. At the same time, it remains appealing to most cloud users as the population of multi-cloud providers continues to increase. As a result, organizations and businesses have more chances to compare and weigh multiple providers to pick out the most convenient rates based on the company’s needs. They can select different vendors based on the flexibility of their payments, contracts, capacity, and so much more.



On-premise infrastructures usually lack in the security department. Thus, most companies encounter risks more frequently. Fortunately, multi-cloud infrastructures enable enterprises to have a hybrid cloud environment that allows cost and security savings. Enterprises now can preserve and protect the most security-focused workloads in private because cloud providers are mostly responsible for their infrastructure’s security. This assures companies that their data can be well protected. At the same time, they can also run ordinary business data and apps in public cloud networks.

Improved network performance

Through multi-cloud infrastructures, organizations can establish low-latency and high-speed infrastructure without costing them more to integrate clouds with their old IT system. This allows enterprises to expand their networks to several providers, leading to them using proximity to their maximum advantage. On top of that, fast connections with minimal delay can be refined and enhanced to deliver greater user experiences.

Refined risk management

Whenever a vendor experiences problems with the infrastructure, another multi-cloud user can immediately transfer to a different cloud service provider. This helps reduce risks by implementing independent systems that provide rigorous authentication procedures. Overall, the best way to secure strong risk management systems is by putting a multi-layered security approach into effect.

The bottom line

Shifting to a multi-cloud approach can be challenging yet beneficial for an enterprise in the long run. When companies prioritize running their workloads in the best possible platforms, having a multi-cloud approach can be a huge advantage. New solutions for multi-cloud infrastructures continue to emerge every day.

The flexibility and endless benefits of a multi-cloud approach can easily compensate for any minor disadvantage in the future. That is why companies will guarantee that they receive the best performance, security, networking, and storage options for the growth and development of their business.

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